Original Paper
Research of the classical paleontological locality “Luh” in the Cambrian of Skryje (Barrandian area, Czech Republic)
Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 43 (1998), issue 3, 169 - 174
A new extensive trench, realized in 1997 at the classical paleontological locality at Luh N of the village Skryje (NW flank of the Barrandian area, central Bohemia), allowed to subdivide the exposed sequence of the Skryje Shale (Middle Cambrian, Eccaparadoxides pusillus Zone) into several intervals differing in lithology and fauna. The locality, known since the first half of the 19th century, exposes the middle and higher parts of the Skryje Shale sequence (basic description and topography see e.g. in Chlupáč 1993).
The lowest beds, exposed in the roadcut in the lowest part of the hillside, contain only few fossils with dominant Hydrocephalus carens and Agraulos ceticephalus.
The lowest beds exposed in the trench (intervals 2a, 2b in fig. 1) are extremely similar to those known from the classical locality „Pod hruškou“ near Týřovice, world-famous by young ontogenic stages of trilobites Sao hirsuta a.o., stratigraphically ranged with the uppermost part of the Skryje Shale sequence. Their presence at Luh needs further studies.
The Skryje Shale exposed in the higher parts of the hillside (int. 3-6 in fig. 1) is marked by dark grey silty shales with dominant trilobite Hydrocephalus carens found even as large specimens of calculated length up to 25-30 cm. These shales are strongly tectonized in the lower part, less damaged in the upper part, where the diversity of fauna increases.
The uppermost part of the Skryje Shale exposed at Luh (int. 7 in fig. 1) is distinguished by greenish colour and most diversified fauna - apart from the ubiquitous Hydrocephalus carens, also Sao hirsuta, Agraulos ceticephalus, Solenopleurina tyrovicensis, Ctenocephalus coronatus, Conocoryphe sulzeri, Bohemiella romingeri, Trochocystites bohemicus, Volborthella tenuis bohemica and other rather rare fossils occur.
The new investigation of the occasional trench allowed a more exact stratigraphic assignment of some older collections and also future collections may be more precisely evaluated from the biostratigraphic viewpoint.
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5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8
Policy: Open Access
ISSN: 1802-6222
E-ISSN: 1803-1943