Journal of


  (Formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society)

Original Paper


Karstification on Devonian limestones of Moravian Karst

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 43 (1998), issue 3, 203 - 208


The limestones of the Devonian Macocha Formation present within the Moravian Karst are generally dipping eastwards at an angle of 30°. In Palaeozoic time, only karren forms and neptunian dykes evolved. Cockpit karst of Permian age developed merely in the neighbourhood of the Boskovice graben. During Lower Cretaceous time, tropical conical karst landscape was formed throughout the Moravian Karst. The largest number of the lateritic and kaolinic weathering products originating in the period mentioned above, have been preserved in the sunken part of the block situated between the villages of Olomučany and Rudice. In the course of Palaeogene time, large subhorizontal cave systems, related to north-southerly drainage in the flat valleys, formed near Sloup and Holštejn. During the Lower Miocene, deep valleys and the associated cave systems including marginal poljes near Sloup and Holštejn developed. The Lower Badenian marine transgression, which filled the valleys with calcareous clays, interrupted the evolution of karst forms. After the regression of the sea the marine sediments were removed from the valleys, poljes and caves. Where new valleys and caves (the Rudice sinkhole) had been formed, the karstification did not advance to such an extent as it did in Lower Miocene time. In the Pleistocene, karstification slowed down and the marginal poljes were filled with gravel. As late as the Holocene, the Pleistocene sediments were gradually removed through the caves of the Moravian Karst.

Journal of Geosciences, Published by © Czech Geological Society, with support from the Czech Geological Survey.
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Policy: Open Access

ISSN: 1802-6222

E-ISSN: 1803-1943