Journal of


  (Formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society)

Original paper

Stefan Kiefer, Martin Števko, Rastislav Vojtko, Daniel Ozdín, Axel Gerdes, Robert A. Creaser, Marek Szczerba, Juraj Majzlan

Geochronological constraints on the carbonate-sulfarsenide veins in Dobšiná, Slovakia: U/Pb ages of hydrothermal carbonates, Re/Os age of gersdorffite, and K/Ar ages of fuchsite

Journal of Geosciences, volume 65 (2020), issue 4, 229 - 247


Stefan Kiefer

Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller University, Burgweg 11, D-07749 Jena, Germany

Martin Števko

Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovakia

Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-19300 Praha 9, Czech Republic

Rastislav Vojtko

Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Comenius University, Ilkovičova 6, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia

Daniel Ozdín

Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Comenius University, Ilkovičova 6, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia

Axel Gerdes

Department of Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, D-60438 Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center (FIERCE), Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Robert A. Creaser

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, Canada

Marek Szczerba

Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Senacka 1, 31-002 Krakow, Poland

Juraj Majzlan

Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller University, Burgweg 11, D-07749 Jena, Germany

Journal of Geosciences, Published by © Czech Geological Society, with support from the Czech Geological Survey.
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ISSN: 1803-1943 (online), 1802-6222 (print)
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SNIP (Scopus, 2022): 0.826

IF (WoS, 2022): 1.4

5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8

Policy: Open Access

ISSN: 1802-6222

E-ISSN: 1803-1943