Journal of


  (Formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society)

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Received: 14 April 2020
Accepted: 3 February 2022
Online: 22 May 2022
H. Editor: J. Žák
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Original paper

Zuzana Skácelová, Bedřich Mlčoch, Stanislav Čech

Geological interpretation of a seismic reflection profile in the eastern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

Journal of Geosciences, volume 67 (2022), issue 1, 1 - 17


  Abstract References Affiliations

Zuzana Skácelová

Czech Geological Survey, Erbenova 348, 790 01 Jeseník, Czech Republic

Bedřich Mlčoch

Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, 118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Stanislav Čech

Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, 118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Journal of Geosciences, Published by © Czech Geological Society, with support from the Czech Geological Survey.
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ISSN: 1803-1943 (online), 1802-6222 (print)
email: jgeosci(at)
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SNIP (Scopus, 2022): 0.826

IF (WoS, 2022): 1.4

5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8

Policy: Open Access

ISSN: 1802-6222

E-ISSN: 1803-1943