Journal of


  (Formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society)

Original Paper

Petr Ondruš, František Veselovský, Roman Skála, Cisařová, Jan Hloušek, Jiří Frýda, Ivan Vavřín, Jiří Čejka, Ananda Gabašová

New naturally occurring phases of secondary origin from Jáchymov (Joachimsthal)

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 42 (1997), issue 4, 77 - 108


This paper describes thirty inorganic compound - secondary mineral phases- found in the nature for the first time. All compounds come from the Jáchymov ore district. All up-to-now available physical and chemical data and references to appropriate literature are given. Crystal structure of phase [ (MoO2)2As2O5(H2O)2]. H2O was solved and refined, crystal structures of Ca(H2AsO4)2 and Mg-villyaellenite were refined by the Rietveld method.

Journal of Geosciences, Published by © Czech Geological Society, with support from the Czech Geological Survey.
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ISSN: 1803-1943 (online), 1802-6222 (print)
email: jgeosci(at)
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SNIP (Scopus, 2022): 0.826

IF (WoS, 2022): 1.4

5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8

Policy: Open Access

ISSN: 1802-6222

E-ISSN: 1803-1943