Original Paper
Devonian and carboniferous brachiopods and bivalves of the Djado sub-basin (North Niger, SW Libya)
Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 46 (2001), issue 3-4, 169 - 188
A limited collection of brachiopods and bivalves was collected from the Djado sub-basin (southern extension of the Murzuq Basin: SW Libya and North Niger). Twenty brachiopod (mostly productids and spiriferids) and six bivalve species could be determined. Among the brachiopods, one is described as a new (Rhynchopora magnifica sp. nov.). Brachiopods reflect affinity to the North American faunas, especially among the productids.
IF (WoS, 2022): 1.4
5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8
Policy: Open Access
ISSN: 1802-6222
E-ISSN: 1803-1943