Journal of


  (Formerly Journal of the Czech Geological Society)

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3

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International conference on Thermal and Mechanical Interactions in Deep Seated Rocks

Abstracts as selected by convenors A.B. Thompson, J.P. Burg, J. Cosgrove, G. Bertotti and K. Schulmann



Schulmann K, Vrána S

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3, page 0


Abstract volume:

Topic A: Tectonic environment and metamorphism

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3, pages 1 - 56


Abstract volume:

Topic B: Magma flow and emplacement

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3, pages 57 - 77


Abstract volume:

Topic C: Crustal rheology and litosphere deformation

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3, pages 79 - 130


Abstract volume:

Topic D: Tectonic controls of basin evolution

Journal of the Czech Geological Society, volume 40 (1995), issue 3, pages 131 - 143


Journal of Geosciences, Published by © Czech Geological Society, with support from the Czech Geological Survey.
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ISSN: 1803-1943 (online), 1802-6222 (print)
email: jgeosci(at)
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IF (WoS, 2022): 1.4

5 YEAR IF (WoS, 2022): 1.8

Policy: Open Access

ISSN: 1802-6222

E-ISSN: 1803-1943